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Olga Bychkova

Olga Bychkova

Journalist, Award winner - Moscow Union of Journalists (2010)

Olga Bychkova graduated with a diploma in Journalism from the Faculty for journalism at Ural State University. She has worked for multiple-circulation newspapers such as Ironworks, "Moskovsky Komsomolets", and "Moscow News".

During both coups in 1991 and 1993, she was in the White House. She worked for "Freedom" radio, NTV, and TVC.

On "Echo of Moscow" in December 1999, she lead the programs "Arbatsky Ars", "Mercantile conversation", "Counter Berger", "News Hour", "Big Watch" (with "Vedomosti"), "Eyewitness" "Minority Report", "The choice is yours", "We", "Cover-1", "Scanner" (together with "Interfax" agency).

Olga is Laureate of the Moscow Union of Journalists (2010) for the creation of current political, economic and legal programs.

Journalist, Award winner - Moscow Union of Journalists (2010)

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