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Ilya Balakhnin

Ilya Balakhnin

Chief Executive Officer and Managing Partner in Paper Planes Consulting Agency

Ilya Balakhnin

- Chief Executive Officer and Managing Partner in Paper Planes Consulting Agency
- IABC-Russia's vice president for innovations
- The head of WebInCo Russia
- The member in working group of Business Incubator and legislation of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russian Federation
- Honourable member of the "Speakers academy"
-Venture Business News's editor-in-Chief
- Business coach

For last 6 years Ilya has been staying the most popular strategist in New Media. He has more than 100 successful campaigns in the internet in both Russian and international market.

Ilya works with such clients as The Russian Government, The Russian Ministry of Justice, Skolkovo, Microsoft, Beeline, Unilever, Coca-Cola, Hellenic, Universal, Bud, Kodak.

- Lomonosov Moscow State University, Philosophy Specialist;
- Peoples’ Friendship University Of Russia, marketing and advertising degree;
- RMA, Internet technology management;

Chief Executive Officer and Managing Partner in Paper Planes Consulting Agency

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