
Novotel Praha Wenceslas Square
Novotel Praha Wenceslas Square is a modern 4* hotel with newly renovated public areas. Located in the historic part of Prague, 10 minutes walk from the famous Wenceslas Square, National Museum, National Opera or Prague Convention Center. Ideal for business and leisure trips, offers free WIFI and 4 meeting rooms. After your long day, enjoy the bar and restaurant with international & local cuisine, relax and unwind in the fitness center, indoor swimming pool and sauna. Onsite parking available.

Chamber of Public Relations (KoPR)
The Chamber of Public Relations (KoPR) is a voluntary professional association for companies and individuals operating in the field of public relations. The aim is to draw attention to members of the general public and top experts, potential clients and government, based only in accordance with the approved code of ethics. KoPR is an internationally recognized institution due to a global Global Alliance. Membership is a proof of quality and expertise.
Raise the level of expertise of professionals engaged in the professional field of public relations and other target groups; create space for the exchange of experience of its members and their motivation.
Expand awareness of the public and professionals about the field of public relations and related communications fields such as high-quality publications in the media and their own publications.
Create a base for the integrity of procedures, methodology development and completion of the necessary legislation.
Defend and represent the interests of its members outside the dill and create conditions for internal cooperation between members.
Prepare the conditions for cooperation with authorities KoPR Czech Republic, other professional organizations in the Czech Republic and abroad.

Association of Public Relations agencies (APRA)
APRA (Association of Public Relations Agencies) is a voluntary trade association of PR agencies operating within the Czech Republic. Established in 1995, it currently has 18 member agencies, each with successfully completed Consultancy Management Standard.
APRA is a member of ICCO (International Communications Consultancy Organisation), the global umbrella organisation for national PR associations.
APRA mission is to:
- Represent the public relations industry and its member agencies
- Encourage the advancement of member agencies
- Unite PR agencies operating on the Czech market
- Enhance the good reputation of PR
- Promote best practices
- Cultivate the general PR environment
- Guarantee the quality of services provided by member agencies through certification (i.e. Consultancy Management Standard; CMS). Clients who hire a certified agency should be sure of a business partner whose management and working practices comply with the most up-to-date requirements of the market, i.e. of a reliable and well-managed company.
- Guarantee compliance with ethical standards – Stockholm charter
- Provide a forum for wider discussion of professional topics
- Support and protect the interests of its members in many important areas
- Provide education within the framework of the public relations profession (LSPR)

Serbian Society for Public Affairs (DSOJ)
Serbian Society for Public Affairs was founded on 17 May 2004, continuing a tradition of PR Society of Yugoslavia - the oldest professional organization in this field in the former Yugoslavia. Company's mission is to contribute to the field and profession of public relations, help introduce and apply the highest professional and ethical standards and superior professional programs implemented, the organization of conferences, seminars and training, as well as international cooperation and exchange of experiences.
The society has 246 members from all segments of society (agencies, businesses, government institutions, universities, NGOs, etc.
The company cooperates with other organizations and institutions to develop and promote public relations, and, together with colleagues from the profession strives for a realistic and full recognition and positioning of the profession.

Slovenian Society for Public Relations (PRSS)
Slovenian Society for Public Relations (PRSS) was founded 12 November 1990 as a professional, non-profit, voluntary and independent umbrella association of national experts in the field of public relations. It was registered in June, 1991. Two years later (1993) it was adopted by the European Confederation of Public Relations (CERP) as a full member of the European family of overarching national associations of professionals of public relations.
PRSS develops and consolidates the profession of public relations, professional training, connecting members, fostering the exchange of experiences, scientific and professional achievements in the country and globally, as well as equal involvement in the work of foreign institutions and international projects. It also ensures professionalism and quality of the public relations activities to the benefit of its members and the entire society.
PRSS is a non-governmental association of national experts in public relations and communication management. It brings together all who want to actively engage in public relations, organizational communications and communication management, allowing its members to express, develop and exercise their specific interests and goals within the industry locally and internationally.

Italian Association of Public Relations Agencies (ASSOREL)
Assorel is the Italian Association of Public Relations Agencies full-service, which is the most important companies, national and international, working in the field and confirmed as one of the most dynamic view of the Italian association.
Founded in 1982 by pulse of some of the major players in the field of Public Relations, Assorel now has members present in Milan, Rome, Bologna, Turin, Brescia, Udine, Ferrara and Pescara.
Among the objectives of the founders, spread in Italian culture of corporate communications and public relations and constitute a point of reference and guidance for companies, traders, institutions and the general public.
In 2012, the agencies associated with Assorel have developed a business volume amounted to 139.6 million euros in pure professional fees, employing 900 professionals (employees and contractors).
Assorel is associated with Confindustria Intellect and ICCO International Communications Consultancy Organisation.

Lithuanian Public Relations Specialists’ Union (LRVS)
Lithuanian Public Relations Specialists’ Union (LRVS) is a professional association that had been found in 2000. The Union brings together public relations professionals from all over Lithuania, from both public and private companies, non-profit organizations and PR agencies. The highest body of the Union is a general meeting that elects a six-member board and a chairperson to coordinate the work of the Union. The board is elected for two years. As a professional organization of public relations practitioners, LRVS organizes specialized events for its members. Every month the Union organizes an open event that involves presentations to discuss most interesting professional issues. LRVS continues to increase its membership in order to find a new inspiration and to fulfil better its goals.
To unite public relations practitioners from both private and public sectors who subscribe to professional ethical principles and seek to develop their professional competence.
Act as a public relations competence centre in Lithuania fostering professional development of its members and properly representing the Union at international level.
Act as a platform for the Union members to develop their professional qualification through the events, sharing of the best practices, and communication among members.
To strengthen professional reputation and awareness of the Union in Lithuania and abroad.

Bulgarian Association of PR Agencies (BAPRA)
Bulgarian Association of PR Agencies (BAPRA) was founded in 2001. Its objectives are to support and strength PR as an activity working in favour of the modern society development. It is realized through developing common platform to exchange the best practices, as well as through increasing and preserving high ethical standards of the profession and through coordinating efforts for PR development in Bulgaria.
BAPRA aspires to improve partnership between PR business and the state, even more to build relations with local authorities in Bulgaria, academic circles, business, civil organizations and media.
BAPRA aims to promote quality and ethical standards guaranteed through self-regulation, regarding to transparent, respectable and socially responsible PR business in Bulgaria.
BAPRA represents its members in front of the Bulgarian, foreign and international institutions and organizations, and protects their rights and interests.
BAPRA is the voice of the Bulgarian PR business.

Croatian Public Relations Association (CPRA)
Croatian Public Relations Association (CPRA) gathers over 500 professionals dealing with public relations in Croatia. Founded back in 1994, CPRA continues to provide professional education and networking, sets the ethical principles for its members and acts as the focal point and voice of the PR industry across Croatia.
The association operates at national level and co-operates with local CPRA's organisations throughout Croatia.
- Annual PR conference with prominent Croatian and international experts
- Annual PR award for best projects in industry called Grand PRix
- Carpe Diem – monthly gathering where corporate PR professionals present their inhouse departments and discuss experiences
- Cheese and Wine Club – monthly gathering where CPRA members have the opportunity to listen to prominent people discuss their media experiences
- Workshops, lectures and round tables on various topics related to public relations
- Translation and publishing of a series of books on PR called PRint -PR international
- Research on the state of public relations in Croatia
- CPRA publishes monthly electronic newsletter for its members

Belgian Public Relations Consultants Association (BPRCA)
Belgian Public Relations Consultants Association (BPRCA) is a not-for-profit professional association representing a group of core public relations consultancies based in Belgium. The association aims to provide standards of professionalism within the market, allow the sharing of knowledge of best practices, and more broadly represent its members in Belgium.
BPRCA serves as a platform for discussion on industry issues of mutual interest to senior management of all its members. The BPRCA membership currently includes over 25 of the top consultancies in Belgium, ranging from independent, boutique agencies to international network consultancies.
The BPRCA brings together most of the consultancies in Belgium with extensive experience in providing strategic communication advice. On the basis of detailed analysis, the consultancies can implement the appropriate actions in a whole series of communication disciplines in a wide range of social, institutional and economic sectors.
The BPRCA is the only professional association representing Public Relations consultancies in Belgium. Its members offer advice to national and multinational organisations and institutions, both within and outside of Belgium.
The BPRCA's mission is to position its members as communication specialists and to guarantee their professionalism. In addition, the Association strictly monitors its members' observance of a code of ethics, indispensable in an unregulated market.
The BPRCA also represents its members at international level in ICCO (International Communications Consultancy Association).

Russian Public Relations Association (RPRA)
Russian Public Relations Association (RPRA) was founded in 1991 and now it is the leading professional association within the Russian PR. Founders of the Association are: the Union of Journalists, the Association of advertising specialists, the Journalist Fund, the UN Secretariat (New York, Department of Public Information), the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Russian Commodity Exchange, Moscow Produce Exchange, The Embassy of The USSR in the USA, the Department of Information of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Moscow State University of Foreign Affairs, and the Economic News Agency. At the moment RASO comprises of 120 companies and 88 individual specialists. It has 12 regional representative offices and 4 departments. RASO’s mission is to consolidate the Russian PR-market.

Hungarian Public Relations Association(MPRS)
The Hungarian Public Relations Association(MPRS) was formed at the end of 1989 in Budapest. The association’s mission is to promote the principles and practice of Public Relations and to develop and protect its ethical norms. It is a non-profit and non-political organisation that serves to protect the interest of the individuals, companies and institutions working in the field of PR.

Association of Consultancies in the field of public relations (AKOS)
Association of Consultancies in the field of public relations (AKOS) – brand new for the Russian market, PR Association – was formed March 16, 1999, and joined the most authoritative independent Russian companies working in the field of public relations. To date, the Association includes professional companies who are responsible for 60% of Russian PR services market. AKOS – Russian branch of the International Association of Consultancies in the field of public relations (ICCO). ICCO, founded in 1988, consists of 28 national organizations comprising more than 1500 PR-agencies. Worldwide membership in the ICCO is an accepted indicator of professionalism of the organization, quality of services provided. All members of the ICCO, including agencies, members of the ICCO, follow the ethical standards adopted by the Association. Among the main objectives of AKOS: development of a highly transparent and efficient industry of PR services in Russia, setting high ethical standards, the development of PR, education, representation of public interests of its members.

IABC -Russia
IABC Russia is part of the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC), founded back in 1970. Since then IABC has been providing a professional network of more than 15 000 business communication professionals in over 80 countries. The Russian chapter, established in 2001, aims at providing best services, activities, and networking opportunities, in order to help business people and communication experts achieve professional excellence and drive the success of their organizations through effective communication strategies and practices.

Contest of PR projects PRAVDA Awards
Contest of PR projects PRAVDA Awards is the most prestigious Ukrainian award in the sphere of PR. The contest has been held since 2006 by the Ukrainian Association of Public Relations. The projects submitted to PRAVDA Awards are evaluated by the criteria of effectiveness and creativity and must correspond to the Code of Professional Ethics.

IQ Polls
IQ Polls is a live web based audience response service for conferences, seminars, trainings and interactive advertising.

GR Sport
GR Sport's goal is to summarize top experience and provide a platform for dialogue between federal, regional and municipal authority reps, business executives in the sports industry and allied industries, public organizations leaders, investors, infrastructure owners, and developers.
Main topics covered by GR Sport magazine:
- Sports industry, event tourism, hospitality
- Territorial branding and regional investment climate
- Infrastructure projects, development, investments
- Effective communications strategies: GR and lobbyism, PR, IR, CSR, sponsorship, advertisement, branding, publicity, celebrity-marketing, licensing, event marketing and management
- Marketing via sports: unique possibility for non-sport brands and companies of allied industries for vast promotion and a loyal audience
- Sports marketing: investment conditions in the sphere of different sports products (events, goods, facilities, information, services, projects, persons, etc.)
GR Sport Magazine's target audience:
Representatives of the Russian business and authorities who are interested in implementing creative changes and innovations focused on results.
Officials who facilitate investments in regional and industry development in cooperation with business structures and business people looking for new technologies and decisions and ready to develop new markets.

"iLIFTTV" is a multiplatform (TV+WEB+Mobile+ Incubator&Seed Fund) and digital reality show concerning innovations and startups (registred in FRAPA USA + EUROPE). The idea is that "iLift TV" gives the startupers' 2-minutes to make an elevator pitch for the investors.
"iLIFT TV" is a real media startup, which shows real-time as the ecosystem of the start-up environment and most importantly real investments in innovative technologies. As investors have already starred Peter Vasterbaka, Paul Bushet, Bill Tai, Dave McClure. Release in Russia, Israel, Tatarstan, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Finland, Singapore, Korea, Japan TV-Channels in 2013.

RusBase is an online guide to the Russian tech market.
RusBase is the main channel through which you can interact with the Russian venture community. Platform that provides news, market data and services that help you launch your business or invest in Russia.
As a media platform, RusBase covers all trusted news and current trends of the Russian VC market. Our database also contains relevant and up to date information about the Russian startup ecosystem.
Additionally, RusBase also provides superior services to investors and startups that are looking to invest in Russia or to locate their business/product in our country.

Russian Manangement Community (RUS)
A global network associating more than 70.000 professionals - top-managers and business owners - Alumni of the Russian President’s Management Training Program.
Our Scale
- 46 regional branches all over Russia
- More than 300 business events realized annually.
Our Mission
- Implementation of best world practices and successful management experience;
- Facilitation of dialogue between business, public authorities and society;
- Realization of socially important projects and social entrepreneurship development;
- Fore-sight and road-mapping for the main spheres of the social-economic development of Russia;
- Development of international cooperation between Russian regions and foreign countries;
We offer
- Representation of the Russian business (GR, PR, communication with management of Growth Poles, marketing);
- Co-working office in Moscow (back-office, business support, networking);
- Visiting and participation in Russian fairs, forums and conferences support;
- Business events realization (conferences, forums, round tables, business breakfasts, business brokerage, presentations for business, authorities and media);
- Business missions and road-shows to leading Russian companies and territories.
We assist you in gaining your objectives of entering Russian market as well as provide you with integrated marketing communications developing your business in Russia.