World Communication Forum in Africa

Dates: November 24/25
WCFA and Ministry of Communications and Broadcasting of Zambia
In a partnership with "SPRING24"
Chinyota Msimuko - co-founder and Chief Operations Officer of SPRING24
24th November 2020
Arrival of guests and registration
Opening remarks by the master of ceremonies
Recorded video by the WCFA President Maxim Behar
Welcome remarks by the Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services and Chief Government Spokesperson, Hon. Dora Siliya, MP
Speech from key conference partner - My Home Town (MHT) Chairman General Sande Kayumba RTD
Official Opening
Her Honour, the Vice President, Inonge Wina
Yanina Dubeykovskaya, WCF Content Director
Keynote address by the Minister of Information, Publicity & Broadcasting Services, Senator Monica Mutsvangwa
Official Photograph
Digitalization in partnership with ZAMTEL: "Going Viral: How To Stand Out In A Crowded Digital Space"
Ms. Mable Mungomba IBA Board Chairperson
Mr. Patrick Mutimushi Director General, ZICTA
Mr. Derrick Mwansa Senior Manager - Innovations, ZAMTEL
Mr. Costa Mwansa Chief Executive Officer, Diamond Television
Mr. Chilufya Musosha Co-founder, eNgoma Solutions
Ms. Wane Ngambi ZANACO Mobile Payment
Media as a driver of Development
His Excellency Emmanuel Mwamba Ambassador Embassy of the Republic of Zambia, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Dr. Basil Hamusokwe Head- Media and Communication Studies, UNZA
Mr. Morden Mayembe Director, Press & Media Development Department, MIBS
Mr. Nebert Mbewe Managing Director, Zambia Daily Mail
Mr. Vincent Kapembwa Yah FM
Mr. Charles Mafa BBC Media Action
Ms. Margaret Mwila Nunkwe Buter Chief Executive Officer, African Women Lawyers Association
Debate: Disrupting the Narrative
Crisis Communication Pannel
Territorial branding as a driver of territorial development "Branding Strategies to Put Your Country on the Map"
Mr. Solly Moeng Senior Consultant, DonValley Brand, Marketing & Communication
Dr. Mwenya Kasonde Global Health Consultant and Thought Leader
Mr. Amos Chanda Former Special Assistant to the President for Press and Public Relations
Ms. Mable Mungomba Board Chairperson - IBA
Ms. Sandi Chimpala Trends Tech
Yanina Dubeykovskaya - WCF content director - "How do we know countries"
Peace keeping - "Fighting Words: How to Stop Conflict through Communication"
Ms. Kunda Mando Press Liaison Officer Office of the Vice President
Hon. Godfredah Sumaili Minister of Religious Affairs and National Guidance
Dr. Roland Msiska Director General - ZAMATOM
Dr. Rose Fumpa Makano Dag Hammarkjold Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies, CBU Lusaka Campus
Dr. Irina Shreyber Nuclear Physicist
Ms. Margaret Chimanse Media Personality
Mr. Mark Maseko United Nations Information Centre
Remarks by Hon. Thulagano Merafe Segokgo - Minister of Transport and Communications
Recap of the Panels: ZAPRA/UNZA
Closing Remarks by the Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services and Chief Government Spokesperson, Hon. Dora Siliya, MP
25th November 2020
Remarks by Ms. Mwamba Chasaya Siame ZAPRA President
Setting the scene for master class
Ms. Mable Mungomba Board Chairperson - IBA
Group Work (Guided)
Ms. Mable Mungomba Board Chairperson - IBA
Feedback from Groups
Sharing of Nuggets
Learning from South Africa
Learning from South Africa continued
Closing Remarks by the Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services and Chief Government Spokesperson, Hon. Dora Siliya, MP