Communication on Top

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Programme 2017

13th March 2017

9:30 - 11:10



A day dedicated to two of Geneva's global organizations:
• UN's Office in Geneva (UNOG)
• CERN enterprise
Dress code: casual

Free time till 10:30!

10:30 - 11:00

Please, arrange your transport to UN's Office in Geneva (UNOG)!
Public transport:

• Lines 8, 28, F, V and Z stop at "Appia"
• Lines 5 and 11 stop at "Nations"
• Tramway 15 Terminus "Nations"

11:20 - 12:30


Meeting point > UNOG - Pregny Gate, Palais des Nations:
14 avenue de la Paix!

Be there at 11:00! Arrival by 11:20 the latest, in order to be granted entry! The guided tour starts at 11:30 sharp!

UN's Office in Geneva (UNOG)
What you see depends on UNOG's schedule of meetings:

• Human Rights and Alliance of Civilizations Room
Decorated by the famous artist Miquel Barcelò.
• Salle des Pas Perdus
Visible: the Armillary Sphere and the monument commemorating the conquest of outer space.
• Assembly Hall
Te largest room in the Palais des Nations.
• Council Chamber
Important historical negotiations have taken place here. Murals by José Maria Sert. (available irregularly)
• Gifts gallery
Presented by various countries to the United Nations Office at Geneva.

During the tour, the UNOG tour Guides will inform about the current activities of the United Nations.
They will also talk about the history of the Palais des Nations, former headquarters of the League of Nations.

12:30 - 13:00

Brief visit.
International Committee of the Red Cross
19 Avenue de la paix
1202 Geneva, Switzerland
Tel: +41 22 734 60 01

13:00 - 13:45

Meeting point: UNOG - Pregny Gate of Palais des Nations at 14 avenue de la Paix!
Be there at 13:00 sharp! Transfer starts immediately after this hour!

13:45 - 14:00

Arrival at CERN. Reception of the group.


Video presentation held in Room 33|R-009.

14:00 - 16:15

Transport, followed by a guided tour.
Guided tour around CERN.

What are the great questions of contemporary physics? What is the Higgs Boson and what does it tell us about the origins of the Universe? What is the role of CERN, its focus and objectives? What are the experiments conducted on its premises?

Discover the mysteries of the Universe and the work of the world's biggest physics laboratory through this guided tour!

16:15 - 16:45

Communicating CERN.
Interaction with CERN's global communication team: ECO Group - Education, Communication & Outreach.


Ana Godinho, CERN's ECO Group Leader (Portugal)
James Gillies
, Strategic Planning & Evaluation at CERN (Switzerland)

16:45 - 17:00

Return transfer from CERN.
Place of final stop (to be confirmed).

18:30 - 20:30

WCFA Association's Assembly & Dinner!
(For WCFA members only!)


Venue: Novotel Genève Centre
Rue de Zurich 19, 1201 Genève, Switzerland
Tel: +41 22 909 90 00


• Agenda approval
• Board Elections
• Dinner

NB: Dinner is to be paid by each participant on the spot!

14th March 2017

9:00 - 9:20


Venue: Centre International de Conférences - CICG
Rue de Varembé 17, CP 13, CH‑1211 Genève 20, Switzerland

Registration of attendees.

9:20 - 9:30

Official Opening of the WCFA's Geneva Week of Events 2017!
Welcome address.
Moderator of the day: Maxim Behar, ICCO President, CEO of M3 Communications Group, Inc. (Bulgaria)

9:30 - 10:30

Country branding. How to create communication assets of a state/country/nation/city?
Panel discussion with an interactive Q-&-A session at the end.
- What are the factors that influence a nation’s brand identity?
- What does it mean when we say - BeingIndian, BeingCanadian, BeingAmerican, BeingRussian, BeingSouthAfrican, Being Kazakh?
- How did some of the iconic nation brands rise?
- Why did some nations fall?
Moderator: Saurabh Uboweja, Founder, CEO & Director Brand Strategy at Brands of Desire (India)


Muditambi Ravele (delegated representative of H.E. Faith Muthambi, Minister of Communications), Trustee of the Brand South Africa Board (South Africa)
Communications: Paradox of the Future.
Olga Podoinitsyna, Member of the Board, VTB Capital (Russia)
Country Branding for Emerging Markets.
Assel Kozhakova, DipM MCIM, Chartered Marketer, Founder & CEO of Red Point Kazakhstan
Country Branding: why do we know countries?
Vasily Dubeykovskiy, CEO of CityBranding (Russia)
Brand India Summit Video
Yogesh Joshi, President of the ABCI association (India)

Interactive follow-up Branding Experts' Discussion, with one participant joining-in:

Solly Moeng, Managing Director of DonValley (South Africa)

10:30 - 11:15

Communication & Public Diplomacy - two sides of the same coin?
Panel discussion with an interactive Q-&-A session at the end.
Moderator: Yogesh Joshi, President of the ABCI association (India)


Daniel Holtgen, Director of Communications, Spokesperson of the Secretary General, Council of Europe
Jennifer Stapper, Chief of the Communications Section at UN Volunteers (Germany)
H.E. Idriss Jazairy, Executive Director of the Geneva Centre for Human Rights Advancement and Global Dialogue, retired Ambassador who served at the Permanent Mission of Algeria to the UN's Office in Geneva (Switzerland) > Presented by Blerim Mustafa in absence of Ambassador Jazairy.

11:15 - 11:45

Coffee break.

11:45 - 12:45

Global Communication VS Cross-Cultural Communication!
Panel discussion with an interactive Q-&-A session at the end.
Moderator: Kara Alaimo, Ph.D., Assistant Professor & Associate Chair - Department of Journalism, Media Studies, and Public Relations, Lawrence Herbert School of Communication, Hofstra University (USA)


Claudine Moore, International Award-Winning PR & Corporate Communications Consultant (USA, UK, the emerging markets)
Louise Nealon, co-founder, Callidus PR (Australia)
Dr. Rebecca Heino, Executive Director & Senior Lecturer: Communication division, School of Professional Studies at Columbia University (USA)
Doreen Jowi, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Organizational & Public Health Communication, Department of Communication Studies, College of Liberal Arts, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania (USA)
Olga Bereslavskaya, Ph.D., Founder of "Amazing Hong Kong" ("Amazing City Award"), Senior Investment Advisor at Qianhai Pacific World Assets Management Co.(Russia)

12:45 - 13:15

Can communication save lives?

Fire-side chat: Why the world needs to care about South Sudan?
Implications for the region. How should we communicate such crises to donors and influencers?
Speaker: Mercy M. Kolok, Communication Officer, UNICEF South Sudan

Chat leader: Michael Bociurkiw, Journalist, writer and development professional, former spokesperson for the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and UNICEF, TEDx speaker (Canada)
Dec 2016 marked three years since the start of a deadly civil war in South Sudan - the world's youngest nation. Tens of thousands have died (including at least 2000 children), and millions displaced. As in most conflicts and disasters, children are taking the brunt of the consequences. UNICEF reports 17,000 children have been forcibly recruited as child soldiers: 1,300 in 2016 alone. Incredibly, some get re-recruited, even after being placed into safe havens.
Having worked in emergencies such as Gaza, N. Nigeria and E. Ukraine, Michael describes what's happening in South Sudan as the forgotten children's catastrophe. Sadly, things are projected to get worse before they get better - with some regions nearing the brink of famine.

13:15 - 14:15


14:15 - 15:00

Trump VS Clinton social media campaigns: insiders' view
Debate and an interactive Q-&-A discussion with the audience.
Moderator & Speaker: Sean Gardner, Co-founder of Huffington Post's "Twitter Powerhouses Series" (USA)


Trump's SM campaign.
Kara Alaimo, Ph.D.
, Author of 5 articles on Trump's SM strategy, Assistant Professor & Associate Chair - Department of Journalism, Media Studies, and Public Relations, Lawrence Herbert School of Communication, Hofstra University (USA)
Clinton's SM campaign.
Elianne Ramos
, Former Latino Digital Coalitions Desk, Hillary Clinton Campaign Principal and CEO - Speak Hispanic Communications, Founder of Border Kids Relief Project (USA)

15:00 - 16:00

Social media strategies for Global organizations. How to engage the globe?
Panel discussion with an interactive Q-&-A session at the end.
Moderator: Franky Saegerman, Head, Digital Insights – NATO Public Diplomacy Division (Belgium)


• Can social media bridge the gender gap?
Lina Duque, Social Media Strategist, Advisor, International Speaker and University Lecturer (Canada)
Are you ready to manage a Data Breach Crisis Communication?
Lorenzo Brufani, Owner and General Manager of Competence Communication (Italy)
The Power of Stories.
Gisella Lomax, Head of the Social Media Unit at UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency (Switzerland)
Michael Grabner, CEOof Rocket Media Communications™ GmbH (Austria)

16:00 - 16:30

Coffee break.

16:30 - 17:00

WCF Around The World!
Highlights of Regional WCFs in 2016 and promotion of a Regional WCF in 2017.

● WCF | Kyiv, Ukraine, 2016
Iryna Zolotarevych, Regional Director of WCFDavos and WCF's exclusive representative (Ukraine)
● WCF | Istanbul, Turkey, 2016
Prof. Dr. Ali Murat Vural, Executive Board Member and Coordinator at Bersay Communications (Turkey)

17:00 - 18:00

What happens in modern Politics & Elections, or: Caligula's Horse (not the band!)
Panel Partner: CoreStone (Ukraine)
Communications-Media-Engagement analysis.
Interactive discussion and a Q-&-A session with the audience.
Moderator: Gianni Catalfamo, CEO of One Wedge, Web 3.0 geek, cc:catalfamo (Italy)


Influence of the emotional drivers during the latest political events (the US presidential elections, Brexit, upcoming elections in France, etc.).
Evgeniya Bliznyuk, Director and co-founder of CoreStone, Advisor at the Presidential Administration (Ukraine)
The Millennial Vote - Modern Elections: Issues Expectations & Reality.
Nurul Shamsuri, Program Director, Information and Communication Secretariat at Wanita UMNO & Yayasan Juwita, Founder of Project Fearless (Malaysia)
Michael Bociurkiw, Journalist, writer and development professional, spokesperson for the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission in Ukraine, TEDx speaker, former spokesperson for UNICEF (Canada)
David Gallagher, President, Growth and Development, International, Omnicom Public Relations Group (UK)

18:00 - 18:15

Round-up by the Moderator for the day.

19:00 - 20:00

(co-authored book)

Venue: Beau-Rivage
13 quai du Mont-Blanc, 1201 Genève – Suisse
Tel: +41 22 716 66 66

Dress code: black-tie/gown or smart/formal

A special occasion taking place at the Beau-Rivage terrace, against the picturesque panoramic view of the Geneva fountain!
Presentation of the brand-new book "World Communication Forum: Existential Business Case" based on the experience of a group of global experts who took part in the launching and development of the global annual event "Communication on Top".

NB! Don't wait for the last minute!
Order the book beforehand: books shall be given on the spot only to those who ordered them!

Still available: Order Online.

20:00 - 22:30

C4F Awards Ceremony.


Venue: Beau-Rivage
13 quai du Mont-Blanc, 1201 Genève – Suisse 
Tel: +41 22 716 66 66
Dress code: black-tie/gown or smart/formal


Welcome cocktail.
Gala dinner and awards ceremony.
Winners’ showcases.

15th March 2017

9:30 - 9:50


Sustainable development and strategies in business and society!


Venue: Centre International de Conférences - CICG
Rue de Varembé 17, CP 13, CH‑1211 Genève 20, Switzerland

Registrations of attendees.

9:50 - 10:00

Official opening of the day.
Welcome address.
Moderator of the day: Saurabh Uboweja, Founder, CEO & Director Brand Strategy, Brands of Desire (India)

10:00 - 10:45

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in today’s open, digital world.
Panel discussion with an interactive Q-&-A session at the end.
Moderator: Paul Mackintosh, writer, Strategic Advisor at Capital Comms (Hungary)


Rupa Dash, Co-Founder & CEO, World Woman Foundation & Dash Global Media (USA)
CSR in South Africa.
Donald Liphoko
, Director-General / GSIS, Ministry of Communications (South Africa)
• CSR Trends in the Digital World.
Abdul Qadir A. Rahman Buhari, Chairman of the B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent University (India)

10:45 - 11:15

Coffee break.

11:15 - 12:30

Showcases - Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
Five corporate show-cases, with a Q-&-A session at the end.
Moderator: Gabor Hegyi, Founding Managing Director of Capital Communications (Hungary)
• Shared value proposition – for social and business benefit.
Sujit Patil
, VP & Head of Corporate Communications, Godrej Industries Limited & Associated Co-s (India)
• Ways to do Socially Responsible PR in Egypt.
Loula Zaklama
, President and Managing Director of RADA Research & PR Co. (Egypt)
• What is Return on Reputation and how can CSR impact it?
Catherine Hernandez-Blades, Senior VP, Corporate Communications at Aflac (USA)
Social Power of Digital - the storytelling way!
Ashish Babu, Director of Communications, Europe & UK at Tata Consultancy Services (India)
How PR can boost creation of shared values.
Elena Yakunina
, Head of Public Relations at Nestlé Russia & Eurasia (Russia)

12:30 - 12:45

Special presentation.
PR Museum - the one and only!
Presentation about the International Museum of Public Relations at Baruch College CUNY (USA).
Maren Scheffler, Communication Officer - Europe, the International Museum of Public Relations (Netherlands)

12:45 - 13:45

Lunch break.

13:45 - 14:20

New money and new currency of social evaluation.
Panel discussion with an interactive Q-&-A session at the end.
A really interesting field, the details of which are still unfamiliar not only to the WCF public, but also to a great number of communication experts worldwide, all of whom seek to develop their services and gain new markets via the right technology, platform, or application offered for this purpose!
Panel leader: Amos Meiri, Co-Founder & CEO at Colu (Israel)


Gabriel Abed, Co-Founder & CEO, (Barbados Islands)
The role of blockchain in digitizing cash.
Michele Mandelli
, Senior Executive, Monitor Deloitte Strategy Consulting (Italy)
Cryptocurrencies are similar to cash (anonymous bearer tool). That’s why blockchain can really help digitize cash; in fact, in the fiat realm blockchain seems pretty bad at replacing actual eMoney for banked users, but it could improve the 'cash experience' for both banked & unbanked users. ECB + various SIFIs are exploring this.

14:20 - 15:30

Media: who shapes & verifies the global agenda?
Fake News, Fake Trust & Fake Influence.
Panel Partner: TRT World (Turkey)
Panel discussion with an interactive Q-&-A session at the end.
Moderator: Werner Bartl, Correspondent, EU news channels, Vienna (Austria)

"All I know is what's on the Internet," said Donald Trump, as it became evident that the video he tweeted of a man attempting to rush the stage at one of his rallies and reported to be connected to the terrorist group ISIS, was actually a hoax. What is on the internet today is increasingly false, fabricated and misleading. The recent US elections prove that false news today has reached troubling proportions. China has also called for greater regulations of the Internet because of the influence of fake news in elections. Google and Facebook are looking to weed such sites out and Oxford Dictionaries have driven home the problem by naming it 'Post-truth', the 2016 word-of-the-year. As fake news websites rise and become a major source of influence, traditional media houses are facing a major challenge and existential crisis. Should only technology companies be left to deal with this problem? How should media and the communication community respond to such an unprecedented situation?


Ibrahim Eren, Deputy General Director of TRT-Turkish Radio and Television Corporation (Turkey)
• How do post-truth and fake news change our reality?
Serafima Gurova
, founder and CEO of RODNYA Creative PR Studio (Russia)
Fake News!
Pranbihanga Borpuzari, Associate Editor at Economic Times Online (India)

Mario Marchi, Senior Editor and TV-reporter, Mediaset TV Group (Italy)
• Fake News Isn’t New, It’s Just Been Industrialised.
Jimmy Leach, journalist, leading digital consultant - former head of communications for the Prime Minister’s Office in Downing Street and head of digital diplomacy at the Foreign & Commonwealth Office - and columnist at IBTimes (UK)

15:30 - 16:00

Coffee break.

16:30 - 17:00

Real-life storytelling: shared by a leading expert!
Keynote focused on a global expert's personal experience:
Social Media FIRST: Make your business GREAT again!
Maxim Behar, ICCO President, CEO of M3 Communications Group, Inc. (Bulgaria)

17:00 - 17:50

Blind Insight Session.
Interactive participation of consulting experts and corporate representatives of companies.
Corporate reps meet face-to-face Agency reps, challenging the latter with a real corporate business problem in a brainstorming fire-chat, trying to generate quick insight. The agency reps try to offer a creative and effective solution to the case presented. The corporate reps share publicly which strategy is the best and which agency is the most appropriate as a potential partner for their corporate business.
Moderator: Ksenia Trifonova, VP Business Development, CROS Public Relations & Public Affairs (Russia)

Corporate representatives:

• TAQA Crisis Communications Case.
Sherwet Kafafy, former Marketing and Communication Director at TAQA Arabia (Egypt)

Agency representatives:

Nitin Mantri, Avian Media's CEO & Business Partner, Founder & Director of Chase India, PRCAI President (India)
Solly Moeng, Managing Director of DonValley (South Africa)

17:50 - 18:00

Round-up by the Moderator for the day.

19:30 - 21:30

Optional event. (BOOK ONLINE!)

Women Influence Community (WIC)
Project Inauguration & Dinner!


Venue: Royal Manotel Geneva
Rue de Lausanne 41-43 - 1201, Genève

Dress code: Coco Chanel style! :)


For ladies interested in the key ways for women's influence on the development of humanity and the world:

The Six Ways of Women's Influence.
Yanina Dubeykovskaya, WCFDavos General Director, President of the WCFA in Switzerland
• Female Protagonist Driving the Global Economy.
Rupa Dash, Co-Founder & CEO of World Woman Foundation and Dash Global Media (USA)

16th March 2017

10:00 - 10:30


Venue: Centre International de Conférences - CICG
Rue de Varembé 17, CP 13, CH‑1211 Genève 20, Switzerland

Registration of attendees.
Dress code: casual


Special demonstration: morning Tai-Chi practice!
Yanina Dubeykovskaya, WCFDavos General Director, President of the WCFA in Switzerland









Moderator of the Day:
Sukruti Narayanan, WCF Organizing Team Member, Founder & CEO of The Spark Icon (India)

10:30 - 11:00

Keynote presentation.
What's going on in Artificial Intelligence?
Scott Fahlman, Research Professor at Carnegie Mellon University, also known as the "Father" of the smiley emoticon (USA)

11:00 - 12:00

How to find the best  StartUp strategy for development?
Panel discussion with an interactive Q-&-A session at the end.
Moderator: Sukruti Narayanan, WCF Organizing Team Member, Founder & CEO of The Spark Icon (India)


VR for Visual Reporting and World History Preservation - ACT NOW!
Yuxing Han
, Professor - School of Engineering, South China Agriculture University, Founder of  Nanjing Yunyan Technology Ltd. (China)
How to rise Startups' survival rate?
Charlie Graham-Brown, CFO of Seedstars World SA (Switzerland)
• Why is it important to start focusing on Social Entrepreneurship? How does it interest a VC?
Abdul Qadir A. Rahman Buhari
, Chairman of the Board at B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent University, Member of Social Venture Partner, The Chennai Angels, Lets Venture (India)

12:00 - 12:30

Coffee break.

12:30 - 13:30

Science Communications.
The role of Scientists in today's world.

Panel Partners: RVC and ComLab (Russia)

Round table.

Moderator: Alexandra Borissova, German Chancellor Fellow of Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, visiting researcher in the Scientific Communication group at Rhine-Waal University, RVC Communication Lab expert (Russia)


• The Importance of Science Exposure to School Students and its Possible Outcomes.
R. Chandrasekar
, Chairman of Litera Valley Zee School (India)
Dicran Babayantz, Head of Marketing & Comms, Value Transformation Services - IBM Subsidiary (Italy)
Naomi Assaraf, CMO and co-founder of cloudHQ (USA)
Scott Fahlman, Research Professor, Carnegie Mellon University, a.k.a. "Father" of the smiley emoticon (USA)
Evgenii Glushkov, MSc in Applied Physics & Maths, quantum science researcher and communicator (Russia)

13:30 - 14:30

Lunch break.

14:30 - 15:00

Keynote presentation.
The Evolution of Communication With AI and VR.
Naomi Assaraf, CMO and co-founder of cloudHQ (USA)

15:00 - 15:45

Startup, Ideas & Implementation - key communication strategies.
Panel discussion with an interactive Q-&-A session at the end.


Storytelling for Innovators and Disruptors.
Susan Lindner, CEO and Founder of Emerging Media (USA)
It's not all about the money - Why should VCs start thinking about marketing?
Avigail Levinе, Head of Marketing at Aleph (Israel)
How to find a place for new brands in today's world and in the hearts of today's consumers?
Ekaterina Voskoboynikova, PR director at Depot WPF, co-founder & VP-Branding at WCFA (Russia)

15:45 - 17:00

Startup presentations.
SU presentations + mentors' evaluation as a final discussion.

Cool Startup showcases:

• Text 2 Voz - Time to move ahead... | C4F Awards Startup Showcase Winner 2017!
Praveen Shankar, MD & CEO of Deerak Solutions (India0
• Seedstars World's Global Summit Technology showcase.
Alessia Balducci, Global Summit Associate at Seedstars World (Switzerland)
CoudHQ Technology showcase.
Blaz Lipuscek, Chief Technology Officer, Co-Founder (Slovenia)
David Siegel, Blockchain, Decentralization and Business-Agility Expert, Founder of 20|30 AG (Switzerland)
Atobee Technology showcase.
Michael Wurmser, Founder of Atobee (UK)
MainTool Technology showcase - get a wearable watch!
Hussain Ahamed, Founding CEO at MainTool (France)

17:00 - 17:15

Coffee and refreshments.

17th March 2017

7:30 - 9:30


Transfer from Geneva.
Meeting point: Manotel Royal, Rue de Lausanne 41-4, Geneva
To: Glion Institute of Higher Education, Rue de l'Ondine 20, 1630 Bulle (116 km)
9:30 - 9:50


Venue: GLION Institute of Higher Education
Rue de l’Ondine, 20, 1630 Bulle

Registration of participants.
Dress code: formal, business or casual.

9:50 - 10:00

Official opening of the day.
Welcome address by the Moderator of the day:
Dr. Jon-Hans Coetzer, Chief Academic Officer at the Glion Institute of Higher Education (Switzerland)

10:00 - 11:15

Global Education for Global People.
Panel discussion with an interactive Q-&-A session at the end.
Moderator: Galina Panina, PR Director & Manager External Communications at Leroy Merlin (Russia)


What is GLION's uniqueness within Hospitality Education?
Philippe Kopcsan
, Interim CEO, Glion Institute of Higher Education (Switzerland)
• Digital Dialogue of Civilizations.
Аn internet-based exchange program - between five intercultural, differentiated universities and stakeholders - about the societal consequences of digitization.
Prof. Dr. Jens Wendland, Cultural and Media Science specialist, Lecturer at University of the Arts and Humboldt University - Berlin (Germany)
• Globalization and its challenges to the Education in Communications.
Fabienne Rollandin, Executive Director External Relations, Glion Institute of Higher Education (Switzerland)
• Different Approaches to Education - The Global Connect.
Abdul Qadir A. Rahman Buhari, Chairman of the Board, B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent University (India)

11:15 - 11:45

Coffee break.

11:45 - 12:30

Who is the Communication Professional of the Future?
Panel discussion with an interactive Q-&-A session at the end.
Moderator: Sofia Paskal, CEO and Founder, MoreCommunications! (Russia)
• What Science Writers and Communicators Need to Know? How is AI relevant?
Scott Fahlman, Research Professor at Carnegie Mellon University, also known as the "Father" of the smiley emoticon (USA)
• Millennials - How to manage communication challenges of upcoming generations within the service economy?
Riccardo Campione
, Associate Professor of Private Law at the University of Bologna, School of Law (Italy)

12:30 - 13:30


13:30 - 15:00

Training sessions > 2 simultaneously held such, in two different rooms:

• How do you articulate the institutions goals through communications?
Dr. Jon-Hans Coetzer, Chief Academic Officer at the Glion Institute of Higher Education (Switzerland)
Riccardo Campione, Associate Professor of Private Law at the University of Bologna, School of Law (Italy)
• Media Training
Oleg Ilyin, Media Trainer & Comms Consultant, CEO of MediaFactor (Russia)

15:00 - 15:30

Coffee break.

15:30 - 17:00

Training sessions > 2 simultaneously held such, in two different rooms:

Public Speaking
Michael Bociurkiw, Journalist, writer and development professional, former spokesperson for the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and UNICEF, TEDx speaker (Canada)
Reputation Management
Solly Moeng, Managing Director of DonValley (South Africa)


17:00 - 19:00

Glion Institute of Higher Education (Bulle) > Manotel Royal (Geneva)




Registration terms

* * *

To Book a hotel, please, kindly use:

* * *

Departure from: Geneve Airport
Arrival at: Geneve

WCF in Africa, 2020

24-25 November,

Women Influence Community

26th-27th November,
Bonanza resort


Video Davos

WCF Geneva Week 2017, Day 1

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