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Printed materials 18

Printed Booklet - Annual WCF-Global, Geneva'2018

Printed Booklet - Annual WCF-Global, Geneva'2018

Page 2: Intro from Yanina Dubeykovskaya, Founder and General Director of WCF-Global
Page 3-5: Committee Members - Program Board for WCF-Global'2018
Pages 6-17: WCF-Global's agenda, 21 March, 2018 - Communication Power!
Pages 18-19: WCFA Association, registered in Davos, Switzerland
Pages 20-21: WCFA Association's global survey for calendar year 2017
Pages 22-28: Best Communication Stories and Cases from 2017
Pages 28-29: Interviews with the reps of the Official Partner - Turkey Promotion Group
Pages 30-33: Shortlist of the Finalists for the C4F Awards 2018
Page 35: WCF-Global's Organising Team
Pages 36-37: Partners of the event
Pages 38-40: space for notes


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Video Davos

WCF Geneva Week 2017, Day 2

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