Presentations 2016

Building the Country Reputation Of South Africa
Faith Muthambi, Minister of Communications of the Republic of South Africa
Speech on the occasion of the Seventh World Communication in Davos, held on 8-9 March, 2016, in the panel "Country reputation - who's in charge of communications, identity and trust?"
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Country reputation - who's in charge of communications, identity and trust?
Vinay Sahasrabuddhe, National Vice President of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in India
Speech rendered at the World Communication Forum in Davos, 2016.

The Seychelles Islands' Paradise - Separating Facts from Fiction
Srdjana Janosevic, Chief Press Secretary at the President's Office, Republic of Seychelles
Presentation rendered in the panel "Country reputation - who's in charge of communications, identity and trust?"
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Media Development in the Digital Era: the Moroccan Model
Mustapha Khalfi, Minister of Communications and Spokesperson of the Government, Kingdom of Morocco
Presentation rendered in the panel "Communications in the Arab World."
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The Relation between the Media and the Business Community
Sherwet Kafafy, Marketing and Communications Director at TAQA Arabia in Egypt
Presentation rendered in the panel "Communications in the Arab World."
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The Crucial Role of Associations
Andrea Cornelli, Ketchum Italy CEO and Coordinator of PR HUB (ASSOCOM) in Italy
Presentation rendered in the panel "Professional associations' impact on regional/country markets", supported by the official Panel partner PR HUB, Association of Italian Agencies (ASSOCOM).
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A Secret Map of the Russian Influence on the Market
Stanislav Naumov, President of the Russian Public Relations Association
Presentation rendered in the panel "Professional associations' impact on regional/country markets", supported by the official Panel partner PR HUB, Association of Italian Agencies (ASSOCOM).
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WCFDavos | Everest Expedition
Ekaterina Lavrova, PR-Director at Depot WPF in Russia
Presentation rendered in the panel: WCFDavos around the world!
An exciting adventure to the peak known in Nepal as "Sagarmāthā" and in Tibet as "Chomolungma"...
What started as a suggestion in a Facebook message, has now become an unconventional initiative which is to be performed by a group of truly out-of-the-box WCFDavos enthusiasts who dare to face the challenge and prove that nothing is impossible!
● WCFDavos | Everest, Nepal
● 04-17 September, 2016
● Details for the expedition >> here
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WCFDavos | Kyiv, Ukraine, 2016 > 19-20 Sept
Iryna Zolotarevych, Head of PR & GR Services at AGAMA Communications in Ukraine
Presentation rendered in the panel: WCFDavos around the world!
Key insight and know-how shared by the Director of the upcoming WCF's Regional Session in Kyiv, Ukraine!
● WCFDavos | Kyiv, Ukraine
● 19-20 September, 2016
● Details for the Regional Forum >> here
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WCFDavos | Lodz, Poland, 2016 > 10-11 Oct
Dymitr Romanowski, Co-founder and CEO of The Story digital branding agency in Poland
Presentation rendered in the panel: WCFDavos around the world!
Key insight and know-how shared by the Director of the upcoming WCF's Regional Session in Lodz, Poland!
Video-promotion of WCFDavos|Lodz: Welcome to Lodz!
● WCFDavos | Łódź, Poland
● 10-11 October, 2016
● Details for the Regional Forum >> here
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WCFDavos | Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2016 > 25-26 Oct
Nurul Shamsuri, Head of Program at UCSI University, Program Director for the Comms & Info Secretariat of Wanita UMNO in Malaysia
Presentation rendered in the panel: WCFDavos around the world!
Key insight and know-how shared by the Director of the upcoming WCF's Regional Session in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia!
Video-promotion of WCFDavos|Istanbul: Welcome to Kuala Lumpur!
Video-advert used in the presentation: Malaysia Truly Asia
● WCFDavos | Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
● 25-26 October, 2016
● Details for the Regional Forum >> here
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WCFDavos | Istanbul, Turkey, 2016 > 03-04 Nov
Prof. Dr. Ali Murat Vural, Executive Board Member at Bersay Communications, Turkey
Presentation rendered in the panel: WCFDavos around the world!
Key insight and know-how shared by the Director of the upcoming WCF's Regional Session Istanbul, Turkey!
Video-promotion of WCFDavos|Istanbul: Welcome to Istanbul!
Interview with Prof. Dr. Ali Murat Vural, Regional Director of the WCF in Istanbul: here
● WCFDavos | Istanbul, Turkey
● 03-04 November, 2016
● Details for the Regional Forum >> here
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Rise of the Robots
Saurabh Kumar Uboweja, Founder, CEO & Director Brand Strategy at Brands of Desire in India
Presentation rendered in the panel "From Digital Evolution to Robot Revolution - Humanity, Communications, Ethics."
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CONI - From Digital Evolution to Robot Revolution
Annalisa De Luca, Digital Transformations Lead at the Italian National Olympic Committee in Italy
Presentation rendered in the panel "From Digital Evolution to Robot Revolution - Humanity, Communications, Ethics."
Showcase video included: Maradona vs UK - World Cup'86
Key points by the presenter:
It is at the intersection of Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality that lies the future of technology for sports. It is here, in my opinion, that we will see the biggest value added for the world of sports.
The world is full of technology that can help sports become more accurate, so how come we haven’t seen an invasion of technology in sports just yet? I believe this is because sport is about emotions and passion, not just about accuracy. We would all agree, for instance, that the history of football is better off with Maradona’s goal – the one he scored with a little help from “la mano de dios” – than without it: it’s given us a story to remember, a memory to share, even something to argue over perhaps. Innovation in sport is about making a better game, one we are excited to talk about with friends and fellow supporters.
The Hawk-Eye is a good example: ultimately, it made tennis a better game to watch. It helped create more stories and new compelling content that wasn’t even conceivable before. When the shots in dispute are replayed on the screen, TV commentators can discuss the shots in more detail. The Hawk-Eye even allows for a bit of suspense and has the capability to record statistics as the match progresses. Media commentators use this by calling up statistics as a topic of discussion while the tennis matches are being played.
So game-enriching Artificial Intelligence opened the floodgates to technological innovation in sports. The next decade will be dominated by technology that enables bringing the couch closer to the action, closing the gap between the athlete and the fan. The next frontier of the sports will use technology to give fans an on-the-field experience of the game through Virtual Reality. Fans want that kind of experience. Fans want to be on the field. For the sports fan, it presents a whole new understanding of what it means to be an athlete, to be in the game, to run for gold.
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Economics, Humanity and Communication
Vidhu Shekhar, PhD Fellow Student, IIM Calcutta in India
Presentation rendered in the panel "From Digital Evolution to Robot Revolution - Humanity, Communications, Ethics."
Key points by the presenter:
Human's ability to communicate in a sophisticated manner has been a crucial foundation for Economic and Societal development. Research suggests that ability has demarcated us from other life forms and led to the formation of large societal groups based on Economics of collective well-being. Bartering, shared tool development, monetary systems, knowledge exchange and propagation, all of them require the ability of communication.
Unfortunately, communication has undergone a role reversal in recent times, with complex communication becoming a tool of hiding details rather than propagating overall well-being. This can cause enormous implications and actually turned into one of the significant reasons for 2008's Global Financial Crisis.
The same issue has also led to a decrease in the fundamental importance of communication as a key to the overall progress of humankind, especially in the case of emerging economies like India and China which have a larger population, and thus require more, and proper communication.
This role reversal is being currently discussed in an attempt to be corrected, so that communication will again become the main driver of human and economic progress.
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For Friends, Not for Brands
Gianni Catalfamo, Founder of cc:catalfamo, a popular blogger in Italy and globally
Two best-selling books written by the author: "For Friends, Not for Brands", "The Digital Self Manifesto", offering key insight on the possible future impact of digital comms and social media. A "must-read", indeed!
Showcase video included: Mo Cheeks sings the National Anthem
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Pitch, Tweet, or Engage on the Street: How to Practice Global Public Relations and Strategic Communication
Kara Alaimo, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Public Relations, Hofstra University in the USA
An upcoming Book focused on Global PR - presentation by the Author:
"Pitch, Tweet, or Engage on the Street: How to Practice Global Public Relations and Strategic Communication."
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Women in Business
Tanuja Kehar, Vice President Corporate Communications, Unitech in India
An upcoming Book on Corporate Communications and the role of female CEOs - presentation by the Author:
"Women in Business"
Quite a coincidence: rendered on 8 March, the date officially recognized as the International Day of Women. :)
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What Should We Honor and Encourage?
Scott Fahlman, Chairman of the Jury for Personal C4F Awards, Research Professor at Carnegie Mellon University in the USA, also known as the "Father" of the smiley emoticon
Talk rendered during the opening of the C4F Awards gala ceremony.
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Who will be the one to talk with the aliens?
Yanina Dubeykovskaya, WCFDavos General Director, President of the WCFA association
Presentation rendered in the panel "Communications revolutionized - seen as a Mission, not as a Service!"
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Comms for Peace: Campaign of the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide
Armen Tavadyan, Assistant to the Chief Event Coordinator of the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide
Presentation rendered in the panel "Communications revolutionized - seen as a Mission, not as a Service!"
Impressive video included: We are Armenians

Social Media Offline!
Vanduta Khurana, co-Founder of n2-X and Managing Partner of Daks India
Another proof that #People are the #Killer-Application of the Internet!
Amazing human touch brought by India's top textile company, with a generous present for each participant - to take away as a cherished memory from #WCFDavos!
Presentation rendered in by the CEO of the officially Partner of WCFDavos'2016: n2-X
Company Showcase Video included.
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Virtual Warsaw - Mobile Apps for Tourism of Tomorrow
Maria Schicht, Ph.D., Deputy Director of Warsaw Tourist Office, City of Warsaw, Poland
Presentation rendered in the panel "Global Tourism in the age of Communications."
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Cikat Bay, Losinj - Discover the Hidden Gem of The Adriatic
Goran Filipovic, Board Member, Jadranka hoteli d.o.o., Mali Losinj Hotels & Villas in Croatia
Presentation rendered in panel "Global Tourism in the age of Communications."
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Think Locally, Act Globally: The New Possibilities for City Branding
Vasily Dubeykovskiy, CEO of CityBranding in Russia
Presentation rendered in panel "Global Tourism in the age of Communications."
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Are You Ready?
Tanuja Kehar, Vice President Corporate Communications, Unitech (India)
Showcase Video-Alert created by @equalman demonstrated as an introduction to the panel "Quantity or Quality? What is your social media top priority?":
Mobile and Social aren't emerging... They are MERGING > Are You Ready?

SM from Peace to War: How to Manage Online Attacks to Your Brand
Lorenzo Brufani, Owner and General Manager of Competence Communication in Italy
Presentation rendered in the panel "Quantity or Quality? What is your social media top priority?"
Petition link included: Europe vs CO2
Videos included: Join the Rebellion + Brian The Stormtrooper
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#MakeItCount - Building a Credible Brand in Today's Word
Ali Bullock, Social Media Speaker and Writer based in Hong Kong
Presentation rendered in the panel "Quantity or Quality? What is your social media top priority?"
Video included: Make it Count
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Quantity or Quality?
Franky Saegerman, Head of Social Media & Communications for Public Diplomacy at NATO HQ, Belgium
Presentation rendered in the panel "Quantity or Quality? What is your social media top priority?"
Video included: IBM Internet Hype
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Open case: World Communication Forum in the Social Media
Olga Bereslavskaya, Ph.D., Founder of "Amazing Hong Kong" ("Amazing City Award"), Senior Investment Advisor at Qianhai Pacific World Assets Management Co., Co-founder of the World Communication Forum Association in Switzerland
Presentation rendered in the panel "Quantity or Quality? What is your social media top priority?"
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Gap-bridging VS Gap-creating Communications
Irina Bakhtina, VP Global Sustainable Business Communications Capability & Training at Unilever in Russia
Presentation rendered in the panel "Education in Communications. How to be prepared for the future?"
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How To Be Prepared For Our Future?
Fabienne Rollandin, Executive Director External Rels, and Dr. Jon-Hans Coetzer, Executive Dean for Undergraduate Education - Glion Institute of Higher Education, Switzerland
Presentation rendered in the panel "Education in Communications. How to be prepared for the future?"
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Who is Missing Out More?
Maria Mordvinova, Deputy Head, Department of integrated communications, National Research University - Higher School of Economics in Russia
What can Communication Scholars offer to Communication Practitioners?
Well, check this presentation from the panel "Education in Communications. How to be prepared for the future?"
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Facts and Figures of GlobCom project: Analysis of a 16 years Old and Solid University Consortium
Enric Ordeix, VP of GlobCom, Director Development & Careers - Faculty of Comms at Blanquerna-URL (Spain)
Presentation rendered in the panel "Education in Communications. How to be prepared for the future?"
Video demonstrated during the talk: Living to Learn It
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Social Media Trends 2016 - Trust & Reputation
Rasha Goel, entertainer, International Correspondent, TV Host, Emmy Nominated Producer, Actress, USA
A challenging presentation with a key message: Be Savvy when using the Social Media!"
Rendered in the panel "Media Reality - Influence & Responsibility."
Interview with Leonardo DiCaprio included: video
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Business Reporting - Influences & Responsibilities
Pranbihanga Borpuzari, Assistant Editor at Economic Times Online, India
A presentation focused on Journalistic Independence vs Commercial Success, rendered in the panel "Media Reality - Influence and Responsibility."
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Media Reality - Influence & Responsibility
Jamie Vernon, Ph.D., Chief Editor of the American Scientist, Director Science Communications & Publications at Sigma Xi, USA
Presentation rendered in the panel "Media Reality - Influence & Responsibility."
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Blind Insight - Interactive Session
Elena Brandt, Head of PR, Moscow Institute of Physics & Technology (Russia)
Blind Insight: Corporate Heads of Comms challenge Agency Heads of Strategy!
Corporate Heads of Communications meet face-to-face Agency Heads of Strategy, challenging the latter with real company problems via a presentation and/or a series of brainstorming fire-chats, trying to generate quick insight and possible solution to the case presented.
The agency reps try to elicit the situation and offer a strategy for solving the problem.
The corporate executives share publicly their conclusions as regards the suggested agency approach to their corporate business.
NB! If time allows it, Agency Reps may try to suggest a solution for more than just 1 of the corporate cases!
The audience votes anonymously to select: best agency strategy offered + best-presented corporate case.
Couples presented in order of appearance - below.
Galina Panina, PR Director & Manager External Comms, Leroy Merlin (Russia)
Case presented by Ms Panina: here
Lorenzo Brufani, Owner and General Manager, Competence Communication (Italy)
Possible case-solution presented by Mr. Brufani: here
Sujit Patil, Vice President Corporate Communications at Godrej Industries Limited (India)
Gianni Catafamo, former European Director Digital & SM at Ketchum, Founder of cc:catalfamo (Italy)
Sabitha Natraj, Chief Manager Corporate Communications, Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. (India)
Dr. Phil Osagie, Global Strategist, JSP Communications (Nigeria)
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The Keys to Professional and Personal Success!
Sean Gardner, Co-founder of Huffington Post's "Twitter Powerhouses Series", USA
A TED-like talk with valuable insight and tips shared by a top industry expert.