Presentations 2015

Public media service and challenges of the digital area
Faith Muthambi, Minister of Communications of South Africa
Speech by the Honourable Minister Muthambi.
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Speech at the #WCFDavos summit
Mustapha Khalfi, Minister of Communications and Spokesperson of the Government of the Kingdom of Morocco
Video file of the speech.

A message to #WCFDavos
Dr. Hassan Falha, General Manager of the Ministry of Information in Lebanon
A message to #WCFDavos.
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Remarks to #WCFDavos
Roman Vassilenko, Chairman of the Committee for International Information at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of Kazakhstan
Remarks to #WCFDavos.
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Reinventing the Government Communication
Dr. Refat Alfaouri, Director General, Arab Administrative Development Organization (ARADO)
Key points of the message.
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Twiplomacy 2.015
Peter Susko, Press Department Director, Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic
Challenges related to using Twitter in diplomacy. What positive effects it had on communications of the Slovak MFA. How TW helps to show a different face of diplomacy in communicating directly with people. What languages one should use, what rules there are to make and break in twitter-space. Why you need to stay focused and sharp in tweeting and why size does matter.
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Republic of Djibouti - key facts and figures
Mohamed Siad Douale, Ambassador in Switzerland of the Republic of Djibouti
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How new activities and assets can develop a place brand
Gabor Hegyi, Founding Managing Director of Capital Communications (Hungary)
18 years of building eco-awareness for Mali Lošinj, Croatia.
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From Barcelona to Barcelona. A positioning trip.
Marc Puig i Guàrdia, Barcelona City Council’s Chief Marketing and Information Officer (Spain)
In the last few years, Barcelona has crafted and projected a 'new story’, thanks to a cross-sector strategy that enhances city visibility and empowers strategic stakeholders. Innovation, creativity and quality of life are key aspects of the new positioning, which can be conveyed as: Barcelona, a city that inspires.
Video displayed in the presentation.
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Diplomacy as a channel for country branding - some examples
Morten Wetland, Partner and Director of International Relations at First House, former ambassador of Norway at the UN, former State Secretary at the Office of the Prime Minister in Norway
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MOL Group - the challenger brand.
Dominic Köfner, Vice President Corporate Communications, MOL Group (Hungary)
How can communications help MOL Group be #1?
Video displayed in the presentation.
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The Social CEO, business leadership in an engagement world.
Colin Byrne, CEO of Weber Schandwick for UK & EMEA (UK)
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Why business communicators with little/no strategic company leadership access are set to fail
Solly Moeng, Managing Director of DonValley (South Africa)
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We need more students than experts: Are you willing?
Advait Dikshit, Director of AND Consulting, mentor, professional coach, Anahat-Certified MBTI (India)
Issues covered: To thrive in this world of unpredictable changes requires open minded exploration with self and others. It calls us to be humble, embrace failure and listen to all, irrespective of their status symbols or the lack of them. This won’t be easy. Yet, whoever promised it would be?
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Crisis communications - the Korean experience
Kim Kyong-Hae, CEO and President of Communications Korea (South Korea)
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Vastushastra, a Boon for the communication industry
Dr. Raviraj Ahirrao, Founder and Chairman of Vasturaviraj Group (India)
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China International Public Relations Association
Zhao Dali, Executive VP & Secretary General of China International Public Relations Association (China)
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Daring participation leadership in Russia
Vera Boyarkova, Participating as HR Director, Leroy Merlin (Russia)
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What drives the employee engagement. Trends for different age groups
Michael Hermann, CEO for Switzerland, Great Place to Work (Switzerland)
Features that define a Great Place to Work. What do employees expect from an employer today?
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The Evolving role of an Internal communicator
Sujit Patil, Vice President Corporate Communications, Godrej Industries Limited (India)
The innovative employee communications tool – Theatre. The presenter has used it over past 9 years to engage employees across segments (shop floor workers, unskilled workforce and even the white collared employees). The effectiveness has proved high not only for employees segments that do not have access to intranets and English newsletters due to language issues, but also across all the other employee segments.
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Dura Lex. State regulations for the comms industry: Internet, Media, Business.
Elena Brandt and Ekaterina Lavrova, #WCFDavos Team Members
This time Lena Brandt and Ekaterina Lavrova asked #WCFDavos the Question: How does the regulation of the media evolve? They invited communicators from Europe, Asia and Africa to play in the Dura Lex game, creating a model of the evolving of independent media in a state.
The game rules were that the government issued all laws, while the nation had a bunch of industry areas and interests of their own, but the only means of communication between the people and the government was “The DURALEX Tribune” newspaper, where just participants wearing newspaper-hats could write…
For a period of three game-rounds, the first government was unanimously voted off-power, due to not being communicative enough and not making an official statement. After a while, the media eventually formed its own team, yet opposition blogs also evolved, blaming the media for being corrupted.
The second government held fast to its authority, keeping 41% of the people’s votes. The winners were the Scientists, Local Producers, and Railway companies. Òhe Gov authorities decided against trying to regulate the media.
The game went under the slogan "Who the hell is the media?"
20 Communications Directors, who preferred to join the game at 8 am on 11 March enjoyed their time like kids, saying afterwards "It was great fun!"
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Cross-cultural communications
Rana Nejem, Founding Director of YARNU, The Art of Social Intelligence (Jordan)
Communications should definitely be cross-cultural, so that every culture/region retains its specific features when trying to decode their own message in the interaction with other cultures, and vice versa, when trying to translate other cultures' messages into the common local code.
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Global communications
Dr. Volker Stoltz, President and founder of the Global Communication Institute, economist, entrepreneur, a renowned authority in Global Communications Strategies, initiator and supervisor of the Global Communication project and lecturer in International P
Global PR is of course by definition cross-cultural. If you expect getting common understanding in the future, there is no such thing as 'global village culture' in which you speak the Lingua Franca English, eat Hamburgers and watch Hollywood films. In other words: I do not recognize any contrast between global and cross-cultural, but rather view global communications as a globally directed concert of local communications.
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What influences Trust in a Brand?
Tanuja Kehar, Vice President, Corporate Communications at Unitech (India)
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Communications VS Customer experience
Subhagata Mukherjee, Head of Marketing and Communications, Nokia (India)
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What Influences Trust in a brand?
Saurabh Uboweja, Founder, CEO & Director Brand Strategy at Brands of Desire (India)
Mark Twain has said it: never let the truth stand in the way of a good story! Without the real touch of a product/service, or without any experiences to support it, the brand is a myth in the mind of the consumer. The gap between perceived and real is the gap between communications and experience. Which of the two will play a greater role in building trust in brands of the 21st century? Shall truth meet the story?
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Building Efficient Relationships Between Industry and Scientific Community: Innovation Ecosystem Development as a Core Solution
Evgeny Kuznetsov, Deputy CEO and Director of Project Management Office at RVC (Russia)
Key points: Ecosystem Management (EM) - driver of development for universities and companies. New communication paradigms of EM. Cooperation in the age of networks: communities as drivers of change.
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Case: elevator technology market - engaging employees in promoting and support of sales
Luis Ramos, Head of Communications, ThyssenKrupp Elevator AG (Germany)
Presentation of a case to be solved at #WCFDavos.
Video displayed in the presentation.
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"Heroes of Innovation."
Rich Kylberg, VP Communications and Global Marketing, Arrow Electronics (USA)
Special TED-like format of a keynote: The real life-story of a top industry leader.
"Heroes of Innovation."
A talk revealing the key to the successful balance b/n business objectives, personal values and life essentials.
The presentation shared key insight on brand archetypes, employee motivation and the true leader's power. It ended with changing its head-slide title into "Heroes of Communivation."
Non-disclosed presentation (cannot be offered for public consumption), due to reserved rights related to some of the material displayed.
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