Presentations 2014

:-) The (Unintentional) Birth and Evolution of a Successful International "Brand"
Scott E. Fahlman, research professor and computer science expert at Carnegie Mellon University (USA)
Do you know how the :-) and :-( emoticons were born? How and why did these symbols and their descendants become popular and spread to every country in the world, used by ordinary people perhaps a billion times every day? How did they evolve into the new shapes and styles that we see today? And how did 10 minutes of silly online conversation give rise to a lasting international "brand" still growing and spreading after over 30 years?
Well, the answers to all these questions are provided in this presentation by Scott E. Fahlman, Father of the first smiley emoticon in 1982, computer science expert at Carnegie Mellon University (USA), widely recognized as an authority on artificial intelligence and knowledge representation. He is currently working on Scone, a knowledge-base system designed to support human-like "common sense" reasoning and natural language understanding in intelligent software systems.
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New business in new media environment or New media for new technologies/startups?
Saurabh Kumar Uboweja, Founder, CEO and Director Brand Strategy at "Brands of Desire" (India)
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Charity, Tolerance, Positive Communications
Maxim Vodka, Director of the International Olexandr Feldman Foundation (Ukraine)
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Trust as a Strategy
Olga Katalina, General Director of the "Artist" Charity Foundation (Russia)
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The Blue World Institute Experience
Dr. Peter Mackelworth, Conservation Director and Chairman of the Board, Blue World Institute of Marine Research and Conservation - BWI (Croatia)
Corporate support for environmental projects is an essential funding option, often making the difference between an average year and a good year for an NGO. Developing mutually beneficial projects requires commitment from both partners in order for projects to be more than just lip-service. In this presentation the speaker has provided examples of the BWI experience citing the positive partnerships with corporate sponsors and identifying future models of cooperation.
The BWI is a non-profit NGO covering the entire Adriatic Sea.
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Beyond CSR
Sudhanshu Sarronwala, Executive Director Marketing & Communications at WWF International (Switzerland)
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Katyusha - Russian Cycling Brand
Alexander Goryunov, Press Secretary and Deputy Director of the PR unit at ITERA Group (Russia)
The presentation focuses on a case about Team Katusha cycling, the CSR project by ITERA and Igor Makarov, a Russian businessman. The talk was initially intended to cover mostly the last case of WorldTour license retraction and the following comeback and PR campaign around it, yet the final variant focuses on the cycling team itself - as a project that promotes both the company-sponsor and the image of the country.
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Sense of Belonging
Lorena Carreno, Vice President of the Mexican Communication & Marketing Industry Confederation - CICOM (Mexico)
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The Digital Self Manifesto
Gianni Catalfamo, CEO of Digital and Social Media Leadership Boutique cc:catalfamo (Italy)
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"Amazing Hong Kong" - global #2 Facebook page promoting Hong Kong as Asia's tourist capital & winner of HK Success Story Award 2013
Olga Bereslavskaya, PhD, Entrepreneur, Angel Investor, Managing Partner of Finjecto LTD, Founder of "Amazing Hong Kong" FB page (Russia)
Showcase of a winner-campaign.
The presentation gives details on the origin and development of the page "Amazing Hong Kong" - #2 Facebook page in the World to promote Hong Kong as a tourist capital of Asia and winner of the Success Story Award 2013 in Hong Kong.
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How do global events influence the global development?
Ardi Kolah, Associate of the Indian Institute of Management in Calcutta, Visiting lecturer of London Metropolitan Business School and member of the Council of PRCA (UK)
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The Yorkshire Experience
Andrew Denton, Head of Media at Yorkshire’s Grand Department "Welcome to Yorkshire" (UK)
The talk focuses on the significance of hosting a big global event like Tour de France and the economic and cultural benefits it brings, both locally and internationally, the links and profiles it helps to develop, and the importance of using communications to maximise these benefits.
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The University of the Future
Prof. Dr. Mikhail Fedorov, Rector of the Ural State University of Economics (Russia)
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We Belong To...
Iekje Smit, Programme Director of "Master of International Communication" at the School of Communication, Media & IT at the Hanze University of Applied Sciences in Groningen and Chair of Geert Hofstede Consortium (Netherlands)
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Strengthening universities' reputation in the global educational community
Christian Dougoud, Associate Director at EastWestPR (UK)
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Innovating Education
Gianni Catalfamo, CEO of Digital & Social Media Leadership boutique cc:catalfamo and a visiting lecturer at SDA Bocconi Business School (Italy)
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Sharism In Real Time/Space
Isaac Mao, co-Founder and Director of the Social Brain Foundation, venture capitalist, software architect, social media researcher, establisher of, known for his social teaching and for his active developing of the Sharism philosophy (China)
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Steps Beyond Connectivity: Communicating Digital Transformation
Sinan Cem Sahin, Corporate Communication Director of TTNET (Turkey)
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Influential Technologies: Changed Humanity
Evgeny Kuznetsov, Director Development and Communications at RVC (Russia)
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CCO 3.0 - Changes and Challenges
Matthew Painter, Director at the Ipsos MORI Reputation Centre (UK)
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How much self-governance is in local government?
Maria Schicht, Deputy Director of Centre for Public Communication, City of Warsaw (Poland)
The presentation raises the importance of local citizenship for overall place branding of cities, with Warsaw as an example, for locals and visitors alike. An emphasis is placed on maintaining interaction with citizens through the concept of "citizen-sourcing".
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Political Communication - Global Values VS Local Trust
Nurul Ashiqin Shamsuri, Campaign Manager for Parliamentary & Party Seats Candidate in General & Party Elections 2014, Head of International Rels of Comms Division at Wanita UMNO - Women Branch of Gov party, Director of Lubri Oil Corporation (Malaysia)
Several major key points of this amazing talk:
- The importance of social media in current political communications, as instanced in the Malaysian elections.
- The need for effective management of social media comms by political stakeholders.
- People graduating to a well-developed nation status, with Malaysia as an example: the need to find the proper message and communication techniques to express that and open up to global trends.
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Local Values vs Global Trust
Dr. Gabor Hegyi, Founder and Managing Director of Capital Communications (Hungary)
The local election of politicians versus their global exposure and accountability; and the potential responsibility of politicians to communicate global issues to their local constituents "To win local trust and understanding about global issues, politicians need to communicate them in local terms - and language!"
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Corporate Reputation and Brand Building at a Leading European Pharma Company
Zsuzsanna Beke, Head of PR and Public Affairs, Richter Gedeon Plc. (Hungary)
Zsuzsanna's talk raises a number of key points. First one is that strong corporate branding is based on multi-stakeholder approach. Then there comes the Paradigm shift – the Pharma industry that once was led by doctors/pharmacies/etc (that is, the industry itself) now is turning up-side down and being led by final consumers – much more informed, demanding and with power to change an industry. In this respect, corporate branding and consumer-led industry should be the basic strategies for building TRUST and a good corporate reputation should naturally result from a strong brand awareness. The Corporate brand also has to rely on good CONTENT, above all, so content-based corporate brand building is an absolute must. She presents several cases of success:
Richter Hungarian Image Campaign 2013
A campaign to increase trust on Hulgarian healthcare – to valorise Hungarian expertise and attract MD’s that have left the country back to their home land
Richter Health City
Country-wide screening programme – providing services that would take long to be done like lab exams for free and on the spot
Richter for Women
Communication target: Women
Goal: to contribute to social recognition of women and to level-up Hungarian women self-esteem
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The Changing Face of Pharma
Saurabh Kumar Uboweja, Founder, CEO and Director Brand Strategy at "Brands of Desire" (India)
A multi-stakeholder approach to sustainable leadership, the talk raises attention to the genuine Trust Deficit in the industry.
There is a genuine lack of transparency on documentation and reliability of clinical trials data is a big concern. Healthcare costs are zooming high, placing pressure on payers and there is not a very big pipeline of future drugs. The prediction is that Traditional Pharma will not last long, there is a paradigm shift going on, which is happening at a really fast pace – the emergence of a consumer-led market. Today there are more demanding consumers, eager for real outcomes. Since we already live in a consumer society and internet-based media, these two factors have become the two big drivers of business! Pharma company’s relationship with patient will continue during the whole treatment – different from before when it used to end with the sale of the drug. Communication is aimed at selling or promoting drugs, while there is a necessity for education and training of internal and external stakeholders. The consumers and stakeholders need more accurate information in an easy-to-understand language, so communication should facilitate better the patient compliance.
Overall image of the industry is not really good, and on top of it, getting attention is not easy in the Pharma industry – due to the highly competitive environment and the prolific data. The communication within the Pharma industry – specially in EU and Asia – is highly regulated. Crisis communication is hard, since any negative news flow happen very fast due to the new media. There is a certain chnage in the relationship with doctors - AstraZeneca announced in June/2013 that will no longer pay for doctors to attend conferences. Media coverage is usually full of criticism.
The challenge can be solved by a 5 A’s approach:
Accessibility, Ability, Affordability, Acceptability, Accountability
The multi-stakeholder approach is imperative.
"Branding is the opposite of chaos"!
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External and Internal Comms - a Blurred Borderline
Prof. Dr. Marc Langendorf, Deputy Head of Corporate Communications at Siemens AG (Germany)
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Communicating CERN - achieving a balance between local, national and international stakeholders
Stephanie Hills, UK Communications & Innovation Officer, CERN Press Office (Switzerland)
Bearing in mind the overarching "Challenge and Change" theme of the session, Stephanie's talk focuses on how and why CERN applies different communications channels to meet the distinct needs of its different audiences – CERN communications experts use quite traditional channels for their local stakeholders, yet social media definitely rules for their international audiences.
CERN communication department unites people quite innovative in their smooth and skilful use of both traditional and social media, so the presentation is giving some examples of how the team have been both proactive and reactive to the company's audiences.
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Professional Puzzle Makers
Galina Panina, PR Director & Manager External Communications, Leroy Merlin (Russia)
Main idea of the talk: visual images are fun, better perceived and more effective! The trick is to demonstrate modern human perception - when the user has to be left to solve a puzzle, in order to sum up persons by what is shown on their FB and Twitter accounts and by what they say directly in reality - the "cinema actor" syndrome.
The key points are focused on Social networks, the PR profession, and the challenge to be opinion-makers.
For today's PR professional Social networks have brought 3 major changes:
- Target audience has changed in terms of perception: they are great psychologists now as they have to understand the nature of a person by his writing style and the pictures posted. They are more perceptive. They speak a different language – the special social-international language.
- The PR professional has more competitors: each person is a news-maker now. People often do not click the link to news, they just read comments and get the main details and information. So PR professionals have again and again to prove that they are The News-maker - their credibility history does not have long memory...
- The PR professional does not have to care about media that much any more. Mass media ceased to be the only source of information, their authority is not so important. The bigger the newspaper’s name, the more chances that its info will be questioned, discussed and criticized.
The PR professional of Future has to be:
- Free from the clients, free from the stereotypes. The more honest we are, the more trustworthy we will seem to our audiences. The audience easily reads any commonplace in our information flow. We have to be one of them or we are out!
- Risky. There is not time to confirm comments in order to prevent long discussion in the wrong direction. On Internet it is important to act here and now.
- Charismatic, yet without any personal image. No images, no viewpoints, no beliefs - the key is just charisma!
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Communication 3.0 - Version B2B
Priya Singh, Assistant General Manager & Head of Digital Media, Corporate Brand Management & Communication, Larsen & Toubro (India)
Priya's presentation approaches the "Communication 3.0" theme specifically from a B2B business perspective. The talk covers some aspects of how the communications team at L&T has approached communication with a focus on the Indian business & social environment. It also shares some examples of Internal communication initiatives. The L&T team of communicators share some unorthodox positions, a key one being that they are NOT active on social media as a brand. Priya Signh expands on this strategy and her presentation covers some aspects of the challenges the team has faced.
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I am not a sheep - I can choose on my own
Jean-Leopold Schuybroek, Chairman of the Global and EMEA Region Development Group at the Public Relations Organization International, Inc. - PROI Worldwide (Belgium)
Showcase of a winner-campaign.
The talk and presentation focus on the campaign "Can a political decision of a one-party government be reversed?", developed by Seesame Communication Experts, the Slovakian partner of PROI Worldwide - the campaign won a prize as the Best Public Affairs Campaign at the Global Sabre Awards 2013 in Miami, USA.
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Leading Russian PR Award - The Silver Archer
Vladimir Pletuykhin, Vice President of CROS Public Relations & Public Affairs (Russia)
The presentation gives details of the annual Silver Archer Award - a leading Russian PR Award. The "Silver Archer" Award brings together the influential people from Russian corporations and professional associations.
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