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Manolis Psarros

Manolis Psarros

Managing Director of abouTourism

Manolis Psarros is a destination development and marketing consultant with an international experience in strategic planning & operations support, urban & rural tourism planning and development, destination marketing research projects & campaign management, product development and digital tourism strategies.

Manolis is the founder and Managing Director of abouTourism destination consultants, an international destination development & marketing consultancy with a regional focus on SE Europe & Eastern Mediterranean Regions. He also partners with UNDP regional chapter as a speaker and tourism trainer in the Black Sea Region countries and he is a member of the European Institute of Place Marketing, the GeoBranding Guiding Group and the International Federation of IT in Travel & Tourism.

Manolis has served the City of Athens Tourism & Economic Development Company in Greece as a Tourism Development Director for six years. He has provided strategic counsel to destinations around the world including UK, Finland, Greece, Denmark, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Armenia and Kenya.

Managing Director of abouTourism


WCF in Africa, 2020

24-25 November,

Women Influence Community

26th-27th November,
Bonanza resort


Video Davos

C4F Awards - Geneva, 2017

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