
Mark Redgrove
Treasurer at EACD and Head of Communications at ORGALIME - The European Engineering Industries Association
Mark Redgrove is Head of Communications at Orgalime – The European Engineering Industries Association, also acting as a Board Member at the European Association of Communication Directors (EACD).
In both positions he strives to apply all-round communications skills, focussing on the issue of engineering and in particular, European legislation (new and existing) and how that will affect the sector. He is also responsible for developing target specific communication tools and applying a 'Corporate' approach to communications (especially concerning Web 2.0/on-line), project management, production of publicity materials, organizing events, and using in-house tools.
Mark’s goal is to assist decision makers that timely communication is ultra important - probably more so today than in the past - in order to have 'our voice' heard above the rest.
In his past career he acted as Communications Officer at the Eurogroup for Animals - a non-profit public organization. Previously he used to be an Engineer Officer at the Royal Navy of Great Britain, and also a Chief, SITCEN Support Branch at NATO HQ in Brussels.
Mark Regdrove holds a BSc(Hons) degree in Communications, issued in 2005 by The Open University, and a BSc in Electronics, electrical & mechanical engineering from the Royal Naval Engineering School.
Treasurer at EACD and Head of Communications at ORGALIME - The European Engineering Industries Association