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Rodrigo Moita de Deus

Rodrigo Moita de Deus

Senior Associate of NextPower

Rodrigo Moita de Deus is Senior Associate of NextPower - a consumer generated media consultant company. Rodrigo works with important corporations, political parties and institutions developing online based marketing strategies. He tries to apply the political participation and engagement formulas to online and social media projects.

The use of neurosciences teachings’ to communication strategies is another of Rodrigo´s areas of interest. He actively research’s the impact of brain processes (memory language and emotions) in consumer and political decisions - Rodrigo formerly worked in the Champalimaud Foundation the biggest Portuguese biomedical Research private organization.

He studied Marketing Management and started his professional career in Publicis Portugal. He is one of the founders of 31 da Armada.

Rodrigo has 3 children.

Senior Associate of NextPower

WCF in Africa, 2020

24-25 November,

Women Influence Community

26th-27th November,
Bonanza resort


Video Davos

WCF Geneva Week 2017, Day 2

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