
Oleg Ilyin
CEO of MediaFactor (Russia)
Ilyin Oleg is an experienced communications and crisis management professional and media trainer.
Oleg started as an oil & gas journalist in 1998 and after few years moved to public relations industry, being involved into political and business campaigns both in Russia and abroad.
For years he served as a communication teams leader helping clients build strategic communications, media relations and crisis management. In 2004-2007 Oleg served as VP, international business, at Edelman Russia and then spent 2 years as GM at BrainBox PR.
Since 2009 Oleg runs MediaFactor, executive communications training firm.
Oleg is a fellow of RPRA, IPRA and is a Laureate of IPRA Proba Golden World Awards.
He holds degrees in political sciences and business psychology and is an author of award winning bestseller Media Sapiens: deliver your message effectively in press, on radio and TV, 2011.
Oleg helps clients to get the most out of every media and public appearance, building powerful messages and tuning their public behaviour. His client list includes a number of CEOs and top management team members from Nissan Motor, Indesit Company, MasterCard Europe, Novartis, Amway, Danone, Mars, MSD Pharmaceuticals, Total, Sony Mobile and many others.
Oleg speaks Russian, English, French and German and shares his time between Düsseldorf and Moscow.