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Dr. Hassan Falha

Dr. Hassan Falha

General Manager of the Ministry of Information in Lebanon

Personal Information:

  • Name: Hassan Mohammad Falha
  • Date and place of birth: Meis el Jabal 31/3/1965
  • Nationality: Lebanese
  • Marital status: Married


  • Lebanese Baccalaureate - Mathematics Branch
  • BA in Journalism- Lebanese University
  • BA in Public Relations- Lebanese University
  • Masters in Education from Saint Joseph University titled “Educational Recommendations and Suggestions in Educational Research Magazine”
  • PH.D in Education from Saint Joseph University titled “Centralization and Decentralization in the Lebanese Education Administration”

Experiences and activities:

  • Experience in Audio visual media and written journalism
  • Writing articles and reports in several international and local newspapers
  • Former Information Ministry Consultant
  • Represented the Information Ministry at the Arab Information Ministers’ Conference for more than a year

Current occupation:

  • Information Ministry General Director since 1999
  • Cabinet Commissionner for Tele Liban
  • Member of the Supreme Beirut Advisory Committee “World Book Capital City 2009
  • Lecturer at the Lebanese University


  • Arabic, French, English

General Manager of the Ministry of Information in Lebanon

WCF in Africa, 2020

24-25 November,

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Bonanza resort


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