
Michael Ambjorn
Board Director of the International Executive Board of IABC
Michael Ambjorn is Founder of Alignyourorg which houses a commercial practice and a non-profit lab - both focused on helping people achieve purpose driven impact: by aligning resource and effort through communication, clarity and consensus. Something that can be surprisingly fun. He serves on IABC's International Executive Board and is Past Chair IABC Europe / Middle East / North Africa.
Michael has worked across four continents and traveled across most of the rest. He lives in London, and originally cut his teeth at IBM and Motorola - and more recently he headed up the Fellowship, a 27,000 strong group of social entrepreneurs, influencers and senior decision makers, at the 259 year old Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufacture and Commerce (RSA). He remains an active Fellow and chairs the Diebold Scholarship Programme for the RSA in the United States, developing the next generation of high-potential changemakers.
Board Director of the International Executive Board of IABC