
Stephanie Hills MSc MCIPR
UK Communications and Innovation Officer, CERN Press Office
Stephanie Hills MSc MCIPR has been communicating science and technology to a wide range of audiences for more than 15 years.
Based at CERN, the European Laboratory for Particle Physics and home of the Large Hadron Collider, Stephanie works for the Science and Technology Facilities Council, the research council that manages the UK’s membership of CERN. She works closely with the CERN Communications Group, taking a particular interest in UK activities. Her goal is to ensure that key stakeholders in the UK government are aware of the broad range of benefits that the UK receives in return for its annual subscription to CERN.
Steph is an Accredited Practitioner within the Chartered Institute of Public Relations; she has been a committee member for the CIPR’s Science Technology, Engineering and Maths Group, and is now helping to establish the CIPR’s Swiss Chapter.
UK Communications and Innovation Officer, CERN Press Office