
Nancy Waites
Head of Policy Research and Government Relations, World Vision Australia and the Ausralian C20
Nancy Waites joined World Vision Australia in 2011 and is Head of Policy Research and Government Relations. In this role, Nancy has been leading World Vision’s policy engagement with the G20 and was instrumental in the establishment of the Australian C20 (Australian Civil Society 20). Prior to working with World Vision, Nancy was the Policy Advisor to former Parliamentary Secretary for Social Inclusion and the Voluntary Sector, Senator Ursula Stephens, where she assisted policy development in the areas of philanthropy, volunteering and social inclusion.
Nancy has considerable experience working in government and policy development, having previously worked in the International Division of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, and in the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry in the area of Trade Policy. She has also worked as a consultant to the public service, delivering training on parliamentary process and working with ministers.
Nancy holds a first class Honours degree in Asian Studies, a Masters in International Law and speaks Japanese and French.
Head of Policy Research and Government Relations, World Vision Australia and the Ausralian C20