WCF | Yerevan 2017

World Communication Forum "Communication on Top"
Regional Forum - Yerevan, Armenia
21-22 March, 2017`
Focus: From Crisis to Development - Powered by Communication
Official Partner: The Armenian Public Relations Association
Partners: Central Bank Armenia, Yerevan Brandy Company, ZCMC
Venue: Elite Plaza Business Center
Address: 15 Khorenatsi Street, Yerevan 0010, Armenia
Follow fresh updates on the even't FB page: https://www.facebook.com/events/619538044914130/
21st March 2017
Registration of participants.
Official opening of the forum.
Crisis Communication
Panel discussion and a Q-&-A interactive session.
Moderator: Dr. Hovhannes Nikoghosyan, Adjunct Lecturer, American University (Armenia)
• Reputation management at times of crisis.
Solly Moeng, Managing Director of DonValley (South Africa)
• Peculiarities of civic movements' communication in Armenia.
Ashkhen Beglaryan, Lecturer in Scientific-Educational Center of Information and Public Communication Technologies at Yerevan Brusov State University of Languages and Social Sciences (Armenia)
• Forthcoming Parliamentary elections in Armenia and the role of media.
Aram Abrahamyan, Editor-in-Chief of Aravot Daily (Armenia)
• War and the media: communicating your narrative to international community.
Arman Saghatelyan, Executive director, Armenian Public Radio (Armenia)
Corporate reputation and CSR
Panel discussion and a Q-&-A interactive session.
• The social aspects of a corporate brand.
Saurabh Kumar Uboweja, Founder, CEO & Director Brand Strategy at Brands of Desire (India)
Stanislav Naumov, President of the Russian Public Relations Association (Russia)
• Financial education through communication.
Armenuhi Mkrtchyan, Head of Consumer Rights Protection & Financial Literacy, Central Bank (Armenia)
• Successful community as a guarantee of stable development.
Mger Poloskov, General Manager, Zangezur Copper-Molybdenum Combine CJSC (Armenia)
Social media and communication measurement
Panel discussion and a Q-&-A interactive session.
Moderator: Samvel Martirosyan, Head of Board, Institute for Strategic and Innovative Research (Armenia)
Sean Gardner, Co-founder of Huffington Post's "Twitter Powerhouses Series" (USA)
• Social media as an alternative to traditional communication channels.
Igor Guzhva, Journalist, Media Manager, Editor-in-Chief of the "Strana" online newspaper (Ukraine)
• Facebook business. Why and how?
Arthur Papyan, Journalist, media consultant (Armenia)
• Social media communication path as a missed opportunity.
Artak Harutyunyan, Founder of Smartology Digital Marketing Academy (Armenia)
• How to measure the effectiveness of social media?
Arsen Sultanyan, IP Marketing co-founder, digital marketing expert (Armenia)
22nd March 2017
Registration of participants.
• How Social Media can change lives in 30 minutes!
Special keynote.
Sean Gardner, Co-founder of Huffington Post's "Twitter Powerhouses Series" (USA)
Country branding
Panel discussion and a Q-&-A interactive session.
• Dare to Dream - or - Yes, we can!
Zaruhi Saribekyan, Communications Manager at the Yerevan Brandy Company (Armenia)
Solly Moeng, Managing Director of DonValley (South Africa)
Saurabh Kumar Uboweja, Founder, CEO & Director Brand Strategy at Brands of Desire (India)
Vasily Dubeykovskiy, CEO of CityBranding (Russia)
• Scenarios of Armenia's image formation in the context of prospects of the European vector.
Nvard Melkonyan, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Yerevan State University - YSU (Armenia)
Arman Jilavyan, Head of Marketing & Communications at RVVZ (Armenia)
Coffee break.
Community development
Panel discussion and a Q-&-A interactive session.
Yanina Dubeykovskaya, WCFDavos General Director, President of the WCFA in Switzerland
Karen Olson, Community Organizer (Switzerland)
• Modernizing Public Participation in Local Communities of Armenia
Ashot Khurshudyan, Board member, ICHD - International Center for Human Development (Armenia)