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Membership and application

wcfa-logoMembership in the WCFA


To apply for membership in the WCFA:
Download an entry form - see the Application section below.
Complete, sign and return as a scan to the email stated.

About the WCFA >>
President's welcome address >>


Membership guidelines

* Membership applications are accepted throughout the year.
* All members shall abide to the official Statutes of the WCFA organization.

Any natural or legal person may become a member if they are committed to the aims of the Association.

WCFA stakeholders

  • - Founding members
  • - Executive Committee members
  • - Active members
  • - Honorary members

Founding members, Executive Committee members and honorary members are exempted from paying membership fees.

Requests to become a member must be addressed to the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee admits new members and informs the General Assembly accordingly.

The Executive Committee defines the preconditions to become honorary member and appoints new honorary members.

WCFA members' rights

  • - participation at the General Assembly
  • - possible election as member of the Executive Committee
  • - reduced participation fee for the World Communication Forum and regional events
  • - using the Association’s logo in their business activities

Membership termination

  • - on death of natural persons or dissolution of legal persons
  • - by written resignation thereby notifying the Executive Committee at least three months before the end of the financial year
  • - by exclusion ordered by the Executive Committee, for just cause, with a right of appeal to the General Assembly
  • (Appeals must be lodged within 30 days of the Executive Committee’s decision being notified)
  • - for non-payment of dues for more than one year

In all cases the membership fee for the current year remains due.
Members who have resigned or who are excluded have no rights to any part of the Association’s assets.
Only the Association's assets may be used for obligations/commitments contracted in its name.
Members have no personal liability.

Annual membership

For Individuals 250 EUR
For Organizations 450 EUR

Bank details

World Communication Association
Bank: Graubundner Kantonalbank
7302, Landquart, Switzerland
No: 774
Account: 10 296.247.200
IBAN: CH7200774010296247200

(Alternative: ONLINE PAYMENT)


To apply, download the entry forms below:
(complete, sign and return as a scan via email)

WCFA Entry for Organizations 2018
(right-click and "save link as")

WCFA Entry for Individuals 2018
(right-click and "save link as")

* NB! All WCFA members gain the following benefits:


  • • Global publicity of individual members's identity!
  • • Global publicity of corporate members' identity, brand, and services!
  • • Corporate member-orgs' logos published on the website!
  • • Free half-a-page ad of corporate member-orgs in the printed WCF Forum Booklet!
  • • Full right to use the WCFA logo in any of the members' projects!
  • • Preferential terms of entry for the next main annual WCF!
  • • Preferential terms of entry for some upcoming Regional WCFs!
  • • Attendance of the WCFA's annual Assembly!
  • • Active part in the elections of WCFA's Executive Board!
  • • Right to launch & develop new WCFA initiatives/projects!
  • • Closed WCFA's FB-club for insight or solutions to emergency issues!
  • • Network with all WCFA members and the global WCF Forum's community (58 countries)!
  • • Free participation in any online seminars and webinars of the WCFA!
  • • Access to global summary of results achieved via WCFA’s market analysis & research!


Mattastrasse 21
CH-7270 Davos Platz
Davos, Switzerland
Tel: +41 76 241 3224

WCFDavos: contact

WCF in Africa, 2020

24-25 November,

Women Influence Community

26th-27th November,
Bonanza resort


Video Davos

C4F Awards - Geneva, 2017

» More videos